Monthly Archives: October 2024
FAQs About Cobb County Shoplifting Charges
While a shoplifting charge may seem relatively straightforward, the reality is that the severity of this kind of charge can vary a lot depending on the circumstances, including the accused’s prior criminal record and the value of the goods that were allegedly taken. To help give you a better idea of the penalties that… Read More »
Types of Probation Violations in Cobb County
In Georgia, when someone is convicted of committing certain crimes, that person is often allowed to serve his or her sentence outside of jail in exchange for adhering to certain conditions, an option known as probation. Those who violate those terms risk severe consequences, including incarceration, which is why it’s so important for probationers… Read More »
What Happens if I Violate Probation in Cobb County?
Many defendants who are accused of committing a criminal offense are able to avoid incarceration by pleading guilty to a lesser charge. In these cases, judges often sentence the defendant to a term of probation, which is an alternative to jail time, wherein a defendant agrees to abide by specific restrictions for a set… Read More »