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Author Archives: Site Administrator


What is White-Collar Crime?

By Andrew L. Schwartz, P.C. |

White-collar crime is not an actual particular crime. The term dates back to the 1940s when the words ‘white collar’ and ‘blue collar’ were widely used to differentiate between clerical and manual workers. Today, white collar crime is often used to refer to non-violent, financially motivated crimes committed by government officials, individuals, or businesses…. Read More »

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How Do You Know You Have a Bad Criminal Defense Attorney?

By Andrew L. Schwartz, P.C. |

A good defense lawyer can be the difference between you having to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars in fines, having a criminal record, doing jail time, or maintaining your freedom. Whether you are facing DUI charges, traffic violations, theft, burglary or shoplifting, drug charges, probation violations, or felony and misdemeanor charges, hiring a… Read More »

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What You Need to Know About Georgia Robbery Laws

By Andrew L. Schwartz, P.C. |

If you’ve been accused of robbery, you’re likely extremely concerned about your future. You may even find that you’re feeling anxious about what’s going to happen to you now. This anxiety will probably have you thinking about how your life is about to change. You don’t have to fight this fight alone. You do… Read More »

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Should You Fight a Georgia Shoplifting Charge?

By Andrew L. Schwartz, P.C. |

Have you ever been accused of shoplifting? Shoplifting is a crime. If you are accused of shoplifting, you might be arrested and could face significant consequences. The value of the stolen items will determine the severity of your charges. Shoplifting is taken seriously in the retail business since it accounts for a large portion… Read More »

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What Are Identity Theft Laws in Georgia?

By Andrew L. Schwartz, P.C. |

Have you been a victim of identity theft and unsure where to start getting the help you need to recover your identity? Anybody can be a victim, including you. Georgia led the nation in identity theft complaints per capita filed with the Federal Trade Commission in 2019, with 427 complaints per 100,000 Georgia residents… Read More »

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Must-Avoid Mistakes When Facing Criminal Charges

By Andrew L. Schwartz, P.C. |

No doubt, being arrested and charged with a crime can be a frightening experience. Of course, you’re worried about your future. The first thing that likely comes to mind is what will happen to your family, job, and your reputation. It’s important to keep in mind that you’re innocent until proven guilty. Therefore, you’ll… Read More »

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Stages of a Criminal Case in Georgia

By Andrew L. Schwartz, P.C. |

Any charges enacted by the law can be confusing and frightening, especially if the charge is criminal. If you have ever even had a traffic violation or have a criminal offense, chances are you have probably made a court appearance. Unless you’re a legal professional, you may not understand all the language or processes… Read More »

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Defense Strategies in an Identity Theft Case

By Andrew L. Schwartz, P.C. |

Are you in danger of being charged with identity theft in Georgia? You need a defense attorney you can count on to help navigate the laws and criminal court system that has expertise with charges related to identity theft. Identity theft (also commonly called identity fraud) uses someone else’s information, such as a social… Read More »

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FAQ: Drug Charges And Drug Arrests In Georgia

By Andrew L. Schwartz, P.C. |

For persons facing drug charges, it can be an uneasy and stressful ordeal. In the state of Georgia, the drug laws are quite strict when it comes to illegal drugs and resultant prosecution. The consequences of each charge depends on various factors, such as type of drug, amount of said drug in possession, and… Read More »

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Common Mistakes Police Make During A DUI Investigation

By Andrew L. Schwartz, P.C. |

When facing a DUI charge, you may feel intimidated or overwhelmed by having to deal with the ramifications of going to court and pleading your case. It is important to remember that throughout the process, you have rights and are innocent before being proven otherwise. There are laws and processes in place that are… Read More »

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