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Author Archives: Site Administrator


When Should You Plead Guilty In A Criminal Case?

By Andrew L. Schwartz, P.C. |

Being charged with a crime can be a traumatic and stressful time for the accused. Unless you work in the legal sector, you may only have cursory knowledge of what can happen after you’ve been charged. Like most people, maybe all you know is what you’ve seen on TV. Real life legal issues are… Read More »

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What You Should Know About Georgia Drug Laws

By Andrew L. Schwartz, P.C. |

Georgia’s drug laws are notoriously strict. So if you or someone you know has been arrested for a drug-related charge in the Peach State, you must understand how Georgia’s drug laws work. The state regulates the possession of both legal and illegal drugs, and each classification has different penalties. A conviction for possession of… Read More »

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Qualities You Should Look For in Your Criminal Defense Attorney

By Andrew L. Schwartz, P.C. |

Qualities You Should Look For in Your Criminal Defense Attorney If you’ve been charged with a crime, it’s often a terrifying position to be in, and you’re probably anxious to get a reliable criminal defense attorney. But how do you know if the attorney you choose is any good? Will they fight for you?… Read More »

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What Is Considered DUI Driving in Georgia?

By Andrew L. Schwartz, P.C. |

Have you or someone you know been pulled over in Georgia for a suspected DUI? Are you worried about the legal implications of something like that happening to you? Having a DUI on your record in the State of Georgia isn’t something anyone wants, but what if you aren’t sure that your charge is… Read More »

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Should You Fight a Misdemeanor Charge?

By Andrew L. Schwartz, P.C. |

-Are you facing a misdemeanor charge and don’t know if you should hire a criminal defense lawyer to defend you? Do you think a public defender would serve you just as well? Are you considering not fighting the charge at all? Misdemeanors are typically considered a lesser charge than a felony and carry lighter… Read More »

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How to Prepare to Meet With Your Defense Attorney

By Andrew L. Schwartz, P.C. |

Did you know 4.2 million Georgia residents have a criminal record? Getting charged with a criminal offense can be a terrifying time in your life. It may have you worried about your future. However, this does not have to be the case. Meeting with an experienced Georgia criminal defense attorney should be the first… Read More »

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How Is COVID-19 Affecting Criminal Law?

By Andrew L. Schwartz, P.C. |

COVID-19 has no shortage of consequences. Some are obvious, such as the number of people who have become sick or have lost their jobs throughout the pandemic’s run. Others require a closer look, such as how the pandemic is affecting criminal law. In many ways the criminal justice system has struggled to keep up…. Read More »

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How Might Being Accused of a Serious Crime Affect My Life?

By Andrew L. Schwartz, P.C. |

Being accused of a crime can drastically change your life. Whether you’re innocent and falsely accused, found not guilty at trial, or find the charges have been dropped, that criminal charge may always be on your record. Whether or not you’re found guilty, you need to ensure you’ve taken the proper precautions to ensure… Read More »

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How to Choose a Criminal Defense Attorney

By Andrew L. Schwartz, P.C. |

Have you been arrested for a crime and are unsure what to do? No matter how serious you perceive the charges to be, it is important that you hire an experienced criminal defense attorney to represent you. But if you’ve never hired a criminal attorney before, do you know what qualities to look for… Read More »

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What Are the Qualities You Want in a Criminal Defense Lawyer?

By Andrew L. Schwartz, P.C. |

Dealing with a criminal charge is a frightening experience and it’s crucial to find the right criminal defense lawyer for your case. Without proper representation, the potential for conviction becomes increasingly eminent. Everyone has a right to a fair and speedy trial and has a chance to defend themselves in the court of law…. Read More »

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