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Author Archives: Jay Butchko


Avoid a DUI This Holiday Season

By Andrew L. Schwartz, P.C. |

Over the last few years, Georgia law enforcement officers have used the holiday season to reinforce the state’s zero-tolerance DUI policy. This usually results in an increase in the number of DUI arrests between the months of November and January, with patrol units specifically on the look-out for drivers who show signs of being… Read More »

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Georgia DUI Arrests Increase During The Holiday Season

By Andrew L. Schwartz, P.C. |

DUI arrests can and do occur anywhere and at just about anytime. There are, however, certain times of the year when drivers should be extra wary of DUI checkpoints. During the holidays, for instance, Georgia State Troopers are typically out in full force, patrolling during the heaviest travel times. Fortunately, there are a number… Read More »

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DUIs and Driver’s License Suspensions

By Andrew L. Schwartz, P.C. |

DUI charges should be taken seriously in Georgia, as conviction comes with severe penalties, including jail time, fines, and the creation of a criminal record. These are not, however, the only penalties that defendants face. For instance, even a first time DUI offender will likely have his or her driver’s license suspended for at… Read More »

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Early Termination of Probation in Georgia

By Andrew L. Schwartz, P.C. |

In 2021, Georgia lawmakers passed a new probation law that created a pathway for those on felony probation (who meet certain eligibility requirements) to have their sentences terminated after three years. To learn more about this option and whether you or a loved one could qualify for early termination of probation, please call our… Read More »

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Defenses to a Georgia Shoplifting Charge

By Andrew L. Schwartz, P.C. |

Shoplifting is one of the most commonly charged criminal offenses in Georgia, so it’s a good idea for residents to have a good understanding of what such a charge, or subsequent conviction entails. Fortunately, being charged with a criminal offense doesn’t mean that a person will be convicted. In fact, there are a number… Read More »

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What to Know About Georgia’s Pretrial Diversion Program

By Andrew L. Schwartz, P.C. |

Being convicted of a criminal offense in Georgia can come with severe penalties. Fortunately, there are ways to avoid the worst of these penalties, especially for first time offenders. One of these options is Georgia’s pretrial diversion program, which is an alternative to traditional criminal sentencing. Those who successfully complete the requirements of the… Read More »

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Aggravating Factors in a Georgia DUI Case

By Andrew L. Schwartz, P.C. |

Driving under the influence is a serious criminal offense in Georgia. Those who are convicted face significant penalties, including potential jail time, expensive fines, and the loss of their driving privileges. These penalties, however, can escalate even more when certain aggravating factors are present. Read on to learn more about these factors and how… Read More »

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What are the Penalties for a Georgia DUI Conviction?

By Andrew L. Schwartz, P.C. |

In Georgia, someone who is accused of driving under the influence could face either misdemeanor or felony charges, depending on the circumstances. Criminal penalties for conviction could include everything from jail time and fines to probation and the suspension of the driver’s license. There are also some non-criminal penalties that accompany these kinds of… Read More »

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I Was Charged with “Entering Auto” – What Does That Mean?

By Andrew L. Schwartz, P.C. |

Although the official title of this criminal offense is “Entering Automobile or Other Motor Vehicle With Intent to Commit Theft or Felony”, in Georgia, most refer to it simply as “Entering Auto.” In recent years, the state has become increasingly harsh when it comes to who they charge with this offense and judges often… Read More »

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What is a Probation Revocation Hearing?

By Andrew L. Schwartz, P.C. |

In Georgia, those who are found guilty of a criminal offense are often given the chance to fulfill their sentence, but to avoid incarceration. This is known as probation and it requires individuals to comply with certain terms and special conditions for a specific period of time. If those terms are violated, then the… Read More »

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