Category Archives: Drug Possession

I Was Arrested with Drugs in Cobb County, What Should I Do?
You are out enjoying the evening with your sweetheart when suddenly you see flashing blue lights in the rearview mirror. The next thing you know, you are being arrested for drug possession. Now, instead of a candle-lit evening, you are facing criminal charges that could impact the rest of your life. If you find… Read More »

Traffic Stop Reveals Existence of Meth Lab in Marietta, GA
Police say that a routine traffic stop led to the discovery of a large methamphetamine conversion lab in a residential neighborhood in Marietta. The lab was found near multiple elementary schools. The lab was uncovered by DEA Atlanta special agents and task force officers following the traffic stop. Authorities announced the arrest of three… Read More »

Possession of Cocaine in Cobb County
In Georgia, all drug crimes are punished heavily, but those involving Schedule I and II drugs are penalized particularly harshly. As a Schedule II drug, cocaine falls under this category, which means that it is illegal to purchase, possess, or have under one’s control. Those who are found to have violated this law face… Read More »

Possession of Methamphetamine in Cobb County
Possession of methamphetamine is a serious crime in Georgia, where a person could be charged with a felony, even for a first time offense. In fact, those in possession of more than 28 grams can expect their charges to be elevated to a trafficking offense, which comes with even more severe penalties. Because these… Read More »

Possession of a Controlled Substance With Intent to Distribute in Cobb County
In Georgia, to convict someone of drug possession, the state need only prove that the accused intended the substance in question for personal use. This alone, is a serious offense. However, if a certain amount is found in a person’s possession, prosecutors can try to establish that he or she is guilty of intending… Read More »

Marijuana Possession Charges in Cobb County
In Georgia, those who are accused of marijuana possession could face either misdemeanor or felony charges depending on the amount seized and whether the person was accused of simple possession or possession with intent to distribute. Read on to learn more about these kinds of drug possession cases. Misdemeanor Possession Charges Under Georgia law,… Read More »

Were You Charged with Distribution of a Controlled Substance in Cobb County, Georgia?
Narcotics and other substances that are illegal to possess in Georgia are referred to as controlled substances. It is not, however, only unlawful to possess these substances, but also to manufacture, sell, or distribute them. In fact, allegations of this nature are some of the most serious drug crimes with which a person can… Read More »

What are the “Drug Free School Zone” Laws in Georgia?
Georgia is one of many states that increases the penalties for those who are convicted of committing drug-related offenses in certain areas, including “Drug Free School Zones.” In our state, anyone found in possession of, trafficking in, or manufacturing a controlled substance in such an area faces much harsher penalties if convicted. At the… Read More »

What are the Penalties for Possession of a Controlled Substance with Intent to Distribute in Cobb County, Georgia?
While all drug charges should be taken seriously, certain offenses, including possession with intent to distribute a controlled substance, come with more significant penalties. Those accused of possessing a Schedule I or II controlled substance, for instance, could face up to 30 years imprisonment for a first time offense. Controlled Substance Classifications In Cobb… Read More »

The Difference Between Possession with Charges of Intent to Distribute and Drug Trafficking in Cobb County
Drug crimes in Cobb County can be confusing, with some offenses, like Possession with Intent to Distribute being hard to differentiate from others, such as Drug Trafficking. While both of these drug offenses are serious felonies in Cobb County and carry enhanced and in some instances, mandatory minimum prison sentences, they are different charges… Read More »